30 June 2010

Storm Over Eastprussia - upcoming new series

As I've let you know, I'm working on a new series about the battles for Eastprussia. Right now I'm studying quite a few books about these battles and some related battles in the near vicinity.
If you're interested, here are the links to the books I'm currently reading on the subject!

11 June 2010

08 June 2010


Due to refurbishing my new house, designing work is lagging behind, my friends. On the bright side: in a few weeks I'll have time on my hands again!

03 June 2010

ENH FR Monsters In Lithuania 1941

Monsters In Lithuania**

Russian Attack vs. German Defend**

Near Rossienie, Lithuania*
Date: 15 October 1941; 0800 Hours*

Best playable as Russia*

During the opening phase of Operation Barbarossa in the summer of 1941, the Germans were very surprised to encounter Russian tanks of surprisingly good quality. What's more, these tanks - the likes of the T-34, KV-1 and KV-2 - were far superior to any German tank.**

Comrad, you have crossed the bridge over the Dubyasariver. Positive: You are behind the German lines. Negative: You and your men are on your own.*
Orders: Push forward as far as you can in the general direction of Rossienie. Show these Germanskis what Russian soldiers are made of! Good Luck!**

As commander of this Russian tank force you have to cross the map from the upper right side to the lower left side. Be aware of the fact that you are behind the German lines and expect heavy opposition anywhere!**

Het Oostfront, Hoe het duizendjarig rijk zijn einde op de steppen vond*
Jaap Jan Brouwer*
Veen Magazines; ISBN 90-8571-031-6**

ENH FR Holding The Stone Factory 1944

Holding The Stone Factory*
Corny - Moselle - France**

Germany attack vs USA defend**
September 1944**

SPWAW 8.403*

Best played as: USA*
Scenario Size: Small*
C&C Off**

Designed by:*

Late summer 1944 the US Army was moving fast into France and heading for the German frontier. On the outskirst of the little town Corny near the Moselle river a small detachment nestled itself in the local stone factory.**

Because a German counterattack could be expected, the detachment took defensive postions. The men just had a coffeebreak when the rumble of heavy tank tracks was heard. In no time the men took their positions and waited for what would happen...**

Source: Armageddon, Max Hastings**