02 November 2008

NEW Scenario: Wiking At Mius - 1941

_______Massacre At The Mius**
___German Defends Russian Assault*
________near Isjun, Russia*
_____0200 hrs 6 Decembre, 1941*
_____________Turns 30*
_______Scenario Size: Medium*
_______Best played as Germany*
_____________C&C Off**
Design: Henk "Dutchiexx" Neumann*
In Decembre of the year 1941 the German armies reached their farthest points of advance during their attack on Russia. They literally stood at the gates of Moscow.**

They were not, however, equipped for the harsh Russian winter. The Russians who were well equipped for winter warfare, seized the opportunity and attacked over the whole front. Shoving the Germans back from Mother Russia bit by bit.**

At the river Mius near the town of Isjun lay elements of the SS-Wiking Division on a strategically important hill.**


from "Wiking", by Henk Kistemaker:**

"These were the hardest days we had experienced yet. Our positions were situated at the front of a hill. We were shot at heavily by Russian artillery, mortars, machineguns and tanks. Our Schuetze 5 had a nervous breakdown, caused by the relentless artillery bombardment. By nightfall he was brought behind the lines. I never saw him again. In the meantime the Russians kept attacking our entrenchments. Every attack could be repelled however. In front of our lines lay lots of dead Russians"**

_________PLAYER NOTES:**

Hold this hill at all costs! Your defenses are bolstered by a firebrigade consisting of a few Panzer IIIs and some StuGs with their accompanying Panzergrenadiers. Use them wisely!**

"Wiking", Henk Kistemaker**

Get the scenario here:

Have FUN!

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