05 December 2010

SOE4 - Storm Warning

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 ____________STORM OVER*
__________STORM WARNING**

_________German vs. USSR*
________Meeting Engagement*
______0800, 15 January, 1945*
_____________Turns: 25**
_______Best played as Germany**

_______Scenario size: Medium**
________SPWAW-version: 8.403**
__________ENHANCED FR-NL**

Historical Background:*
On the morning of 13 January 1945 the Third White Russian Front started its offensive against Eastprussia with a two hour long artillery bombardment from more than 350 batteries north of the road from Ebenrode to Gumbinnen. Around the town of Schlossberg lots of defensive battles raged. On 15 January strong Russian forces broke through south of Schlossberg. The city was lost.**

Hold the line south of Schlossberg at all costs! The Oberkommando counts on you to hold back Iwan!.**

As the German Kommandant, you have to defend your defensive line as long as possible. Though the Oberkommando counts on you to hold the line, I count on your good common sense to decide if the situation asks for the ultimate gift to your Fatherland or not. For that reason, around the end of the scenario an exit hex will appear.**

Tiger - Die Geschichte einer legendaeren Waffe 1942-1945;E. Kleine/V. Kuehn; pp 259-277*
Panzer Grenadier Division Grossdeutschland - A Pictorial History with Text & Maps - Specials series; Horst Scheibert; Squadron/Signal Publications (1993*
SS-Wiking: The History of the Fifth SS Division 1941-45; Rupert Butler; Spellmount Publishers Ltd*
Panzer Aces: German Tank Commanders in World War II; Stackpole Military History Series;Franz Kurowski*
Ostpreussen im Fegefeuer oder, Die letzten Tage am Frischen Haff;Emmerich Vondran*
In langer Reihe über das Haff;Patricia Clough*
So fiel Koenigsberg; Otto Lasch*

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